Sunday, June 03, 2007

mobile phones

above are the 3 mobile phones i have bought since 2000.

i'm a fan of chocolate bar phones...those sliding, clamshell, twisting and what not stuff you find on some other phones are too much for lazy adrian

my first phone--panasonic GD92
it had blue coloured backlit+polyphonic ringtones which was all the rage back then.
i can still remember i signed up with M1 and got the phone at $198. (it was sort of my reward for passing my SOC test during that weekend) awfully expensive for a phone with the specs it had if you compared it with the phones of today, and with line somemore.

it lasted me a good 4+ years and it had this voice recorder which allowed me record the happy tree friends theme to set as sms alert tone (correct me if i'm wrong but most phones during that time could not set special sms alert tones). the phone however couldnt read bloody chinese and it could not delete your smses all at once.

my 2nd phone--sony ericsson J210i
during a time when everybody else are already carrying phones with camera and coloured display, my GD92 decided time and again to give me more and more hang time. so i had to get a replacement and (for some reason) not really gian at phones with "more features", i decided to get a $0 phone.

just so happen M1 was having this promo for J210i and thus i got my "basic" phone. no camera (comes in handy for army camp visits and places where no camera phones are allowed) function. coloured display which cannot be viewed under the sun. got IR. can put wallpaper. wawawewa, what a major upgrade in phone specs compared to the GD92!

my 3rd phone--sony ericsson K550i
with my J210i coming to almost 2 years of service, the charger plug starts getting a bit loose which in turns affects the charging of the phone. i contemplated on getting a new phone and with more spending power, i now wanted a phone with "more features".
having already eyed the k550i, i pampered myself with my first "feature phone" wawawewa

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