Wednesday, July 09, 2008

For so long, I thought that there was something wrong with me, because it had never happened...

i wish i could finish that sentence the way it was finished in "the 40 year old virgin"...

unfortunately (more often than not), things don't always work out the way you want them to...

the more you want something the more it eludes you...the harder you try, the more screw-ups you make...

but i guess it's how you look at these setbacks in we treat them as phases/chapters in life we go through? do we treat them as life lessons? do we treat them as (what Bill Watterson writes in "calvin and hobbes") character-building events? or do we just see them purely as setbacks and just wallow in self-pity?

sometimes these events leave deep impressions/scars/memories (or whatever you want to call them)...what usually follows is the "recovery period" or "the time needed to move on"...

different people have different speeds in moving on...

some people do it slower because the "scars/memories..blah blah" are too deeply etched. these folks are also concerned that if the moving on is done too fast, others might start to question their character and stuff liddat (too heartless, for example...)

some people do it slightly faster...folks like these either have no heart (lol) or they fully understand that they cannot keep moving around in circles...

some people find it extremely tough to actually move on...folks like these tinker with the idea of moving-on...more often than not they take too long to take action and slowly (but surely), the "memories/scars...blah blah" takes over them and drowns them...rendering them incapable of thinking properly...which eventually leads to the inability to move on...

anyhows, to all the folks who fall into the "trying to move on" category...don't lose hope...hope can be a very powerful tool if used correctly...( was that??!?!) which reminds me of what Na said about hope--hope is only for religion.

so it for religion or just pure hope...things will get better...anything that goes down must (and will) go up...we can be emo for awhile and we'll always remember all the good memories (nobody can take those away from us), but don't emo too long and then henta-kaki is too short le...must know when enough is enough, and move on

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