found this while clearing out the inbox....
"words of wisdom" from my brunei boss back in 2007...
When we first met, both of us didn't think too much of each other, we both thought the other person was just average, nothing striking, and never imagined that we'd be together less than a month later. But somehow, after meeting and having the opportunity to talk more, mysteriously a bond was beginning to form. Eventually, things seemed to just fall into place, like random bricks falling from the sky but miraculously landing in the right timing and pattern to form a uniform brickwall. Initially unknown to either of us, we fell in love. She later told me that right at the beginning i said and did things that 'sparked' her, while i myself was quickly falling for every single thing she did, from her smile, to the way she talked, and just the way we were able to click so naturally. We both found the love we were waiting all our lives for, one where both parties just fall in love at the same time and just grow in that love exponentially. We found a love that required no compromise on either party, while it inspired a willingness to sacrifice certain things, and change certain things that needed to change.
These are memories u need, you don't want a 'marriage of convenience'. You want to be able to truthfully say that you fell in love, and are able to talk about the process of falling in love over and over again, and for it to be something you and her mutually feel happy about. Before you go into it, think carefully what you like about her. There will be things that aren't quite right, so question urself whether you are compromising those things just to be with her. Think abt whether u are giving up ur principles. Weigh it out, and decide if u will be happy with her still 1 month, 6 months, 1 year from now. Don't go into something where one party is giving out so much more than the other. It must be roughly equal, sometimes u may love her more, sometimes she may love u more. It must work out that way, otherwise the relationship will be stressful and tiresome, with frequent bouts of insecurity. Love is a commitment to stay on course despite of the uncertain road ahead. It is a risk, requiring courage and sacrifice. Love must be governed by not just emotions but logic and common sense. Love must bring more happiness than pain. Love is evidenced through actions and garnished with words. Love requires you to pour your entire self into it, if u hold back even a little, it will cease to exist before you know it. These are the things u need to prepare yourself for, but make very sure she is on the same page and frequency, otherwise you may face heartache later.
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