Monday, June 11, 2007

when it rains, it frigging pours

just when i thought i was going to safely pass my 1st anniversary at tos without any major catastrophes, some major shite just had to's the type when u throw a pile of shite into a ceiling fan that's on and it splatters all over the frigging place...

wawawewa...cant believe i came up with such a great analogy man...cus when you throw shite onto a stationary fan, only the fan gets when you throw shite onto a ceiling fan that's turning....hoho...shite starts flying man...and not only will you have to clean the fan, you have splattered shite all over the place to clean up...

so what was the shite bomb i kenna-ed...a frigging part supposedly repaired in 2004 failed and caused an engine company is being accused of being the repair shop that last overhauled the parts. there's no concrete evidence as to who actually repaired the part as yet.

so that shite just led on to more shite...being the product engineer i had to be involved in investigating whether our shopfloor is performing certain operations according to tech data...that just dug up even more my boss is personally auditing my product one on one with me...line by line from the engine manual to the op enormous load of shite got unearthed...stuff which i wanted to clear on my own time and thus didnt want to bring up all gets discovered by my boss...

you should have seen that kind of disappointed look my boss was carrying on his face today...although he said "maybe it's not your fault, you weren't given enough training"---i think he only said it once though...after which the tone of his voice i could tell he was saying "knn this kind of thing also dunno? this kind of thing also never go and find out? this kind of thing also do until liddat?"

and of all times it happens at a time when we might be getting our performance review pay increase...knn...

and it's as if i dont have enough daily shite to clear by year end, now i get this kind of nonsense to clean somebody's else's leftover shite somemore...i dont see anyone digging up so much shite when there were no engine failures and when the company was making shitloads of money...

so much shite already...and it's only monday...

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