Sunday, May 31, 2009
adidas sundown marathon 2009
clocked 4hr32min on my watch for this one...even though there was no improvement timing wise, it was my best marathon outing, pain-wise, since my first marathon back in scm 2006.
early on in the run i tried to maintain within 6min per km and hydrated myself whenever i could...i even power-gelled at 10+km...
as compared to previous marathons where i started hydrating only after 10km and power-gelled much much later...
result was there was no recurrence of those immense pain in the legs which had to force me to completely stop running! i've never ran non-stop for so long in a marathon! walking was kept at a minimal and i grabbed for deep heat only once!
considering i didnt clock any mileage prior to this marathon, i'd say i'm mightily pleased with the result...
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2:36 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
saucony passion run 2009
clocked 50.10 on my watch...thought i did pretty ok taking into consideration the sweltering heat at ecp
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2:50 PM
Saturday, May 02, 2009
came across this article written by some gal named Keidi on facebook on the topic of "relationship".
it talked about how ALL relationships have a cycle and how love is NOT a mystery and how we can ALL make it work by applying the right formula...
i quote: "Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships.
Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger.
It's a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable... you can 'make' love."
the article also had a (listen carefully to this) note so listen carefully "THE KEY TO SUCCEEDING IN MARRIAGE IS NOT FINDING THE RIGHT PERSON; IT'S LEARNING TO LOVE THE PERSON YOU FOUND."
wow...such a's all so CLEAR to me now...i can finally see THE light...and its hurting my eyes!!! wtf!!!
oh..and the article ended off by telling us to remember this always, so remember it well, "God determines who walks into your life.It is up to you to decide who you let to walk away,who you let to stay, and who you refuse to let go."
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3:54 PM