Sunday, January 01, 2012

thank you for the memories 2011...

another year gone by...another year older (officially out of the twenty-sthgs category -_-'')...another super long hiatus from my oh-so-neglected blog =p

2011 has been generally good to me. just to name a few positives...

didnt fall majorly sick except once where an mc was needed...
got myself tested for thalassemia and result was negative =)
did a health check-up, blood sugar and what nots all ok except bp which is bordering on above normal...
had a lucky break at work whereby i got to travel to the US on a business trip and extended my stay to visit New York and Washington DC =)
surprisingly promoted to senior engineer...
finally took part in the northface 100 race
proud owner of an iphone4

as for some negatives
bp continue to be a worrisome aspect for my health - dont know if it really is due to hypertension or what =(
got rid of the 2 lousy shares on hand and hard earned gains from stocks over 2 years became negative =(
marathon timings took a tumble due to lack of mileage training...

as for the major changes (and the super positives) to my life this past year...
am now a baptized Christian =)
proposed to my darling and she said yes =)
balloted for a flat and got our first choice unit despite being 54th in queue =)
wedding prep has begun slowly but steadily with the help of great frens who shared superb lobangs

2012 will be a year that will be financially and emotionally draining with the house and wedding prep going into full swing but i know i have the full support of my sweetie, my family and most importantly our Lord Jesus Christ.

thank you 2011 for all the wonderful memories...and last but not least, thank you dear for your love , care and support all this while. Huggies and muaggies =)

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